Cafod - Live Simply Award
This year we are applying for the Live Simply Award.
We have 9 faith inspired actions, living simply, sustainably, and in solidarity with the world's poorest communities.
By signing up to LiveSimply, our school will impact our global family, our local community and our school community as we reflect the teachings of Jesus, Catholic Social Teaching and Laudato Si’ along our inspirational journey.
Live in Solidarity CAFOD Big Lent Walk 2024 |
Live in Solidarity Autumn Fundraiser for CAFOD (Brighten Up for Harvest) |
Live Simply International Day of Peace/World Day of Peace |
Live Simply / Live in Solidarity Madison Court Link Mini-Vinnies Set up |
Live Sustainably Litter Pick in local area & school grounds |
Live in Solidarity Work to support Teardrops |
Live Simply Prayer Space to be created |
Live Sustainably Walk/Wheel/Scoot to school |
Live Simply/Sustainably/Solidarity Live Simply Pledges |
Our Global actions towards our Live Simply Award...
Live in solidarity - Autumn fundraiser for Cafod - Brighten up for Harvest.
We had a biscuit sale to raise money for @CAFOD #LiveSimply #Liveinsolidarity.
Live in solidarity - International Day of Peace and World Day of Peace
Live in Solidarity
Taking action to support our sisters and brothers.
We know that fundraising for charities like CAFOD will make a difference to communities in need throughout our world. We have taken direct action as part of our Live Simply Pledge to support our brothers and sisters Globally by praying for PEACE and taking actions to help spread PEACE throughout our world. #LiveSimply #Liveinsolidarity
We have donated to the CAFOD World Gifts to help promote peace in our world. We know that we can all make a difference and be peacemakers in our world.
"My PEACE I leave with you, my PEACE I give you." John 14:27
Live in solidarity - Cafod Big Lent walk 2024
We loved preparing for and taking part in #TheBigLentWalk for CAFOD standing in solidarity with our global neighbours. #CatholicSocialTeaching Thank you for all our donations which have been sent to CAFOD.
Our Local actions towards our Live Simply Award...
Live Simply - supporting Madison Court care home.
We visited Madison Court Care Home with our choir and sang songs of peace in November and carols in December. We also made some beautiful Christmas for all of the residents.
Live Sustainably
Taking action towards protecting God's creation.
In our whole school prayer and liturgy after listening to Pope Francis’ Laudato Si, our children were inspired to pledge to live more sustainably so that we can all take better care of our world. #LiveSimply #LiveSustainably
Live in solidarity - work to support our local homeless charity Teardrops
Live in Solidarity
As part of our Live Simply #Cafod pledge we have shown how we have lived in solidarity with people living in poverty in our local community by supporting Teardrops which is a homeless charity in St Helens by filling our Harvest Rainbow donation boxes. Our amazing efforts have made a such a difference to our local community.
We have taken direct action as part of our Live Simply Pledge to support our brothers and sisters in our local community who are less fortunate than ourselves. #LiveSimply #Liveinsolidarity.
"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat." Matthew 25:35
Our School actions towards our Live Simply Award...
Live Simply/Sustainably/Solidarity
We know that fundraising for charities like CAFOD will make a difference to communities in need throughout our world. We have taken direct action as part of our Live Simply Pledge to support our brothers and sisters Globally who are less fortunate than ourselves after being inspired by Mrs Ravey sharing the Cafod assembly with us all.
Taking action towards living a simpler lifestyle.
Our wonderful Live Simply Pledges.
Live Simply
Our beautiful outdoor prayer space created and designed by Eco Club.
Year 4 and Reception having their prayer and liturgy outdoors.