Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Learn. Together we will soar to new heights

Brunswick Street, St. Helens, Merseyside WA9 2JE

01744 678670


I sent my children to a Catholic school because I am Catholic and I want my children to be taught in a Catholic environment and to learn the values.

 Come and See

Our Religious Education Programme

To fulfill our aims and objectives, Holy Spirit will follow the Come and See programme of Religious Education, recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool as our scheme of work in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 are following the new Religious Education Directory 'To Know You More Clearly'.

Come and See is an invitation to exploration and promise of life for everyone. Come and See offers the opportunity to search, to explore, to discover, and to respond; this is part of what it is to be human.

Come and See aims to raise questions and provide materials for children to reflect on their own experience. For all children the programme will raise questions of meaning and purpose and enable children to think critically, providing materials for reflecting on their own experience.

It will help them to explore the beliefs and values and the way of life of the Catholic traditions, and of other faith traditions, developing good attitudes and dispositions so that children are instilled with a 'love of learning' and a desire to go on learning.

Children will be offered a sense of self-worth through experience of belonging to the caring community of Holy Spirit

RE curriculum roadmap from Nursery to Year 6

RE curriculum map from Nursery to Year 6

Progression of skills in RE from Nursery to Year 6 

Come and See yearly overview 

Come and See Big questions 

Please click the links below to view our policies.

Moral Development Policy

Pastoral Care and Guidance Policy 

Spiritual Development Policy

Section 48 inspection report 4th July 2019

Summer Term what we know and remember...

Our amazing Pentecost song written by Mr Delaney



Year 3

We discussed the energy sources fire and wind and how they are useful. 

In our Come and See lessons, Year 3 have researched significant people and how they have used the energy that the Holy Spirit brings to fulfil Jesus’ mission to serve others.

After listening to the Gospel of Isaiah 11:2, we responded by describing how we can use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help others. 

Year 4 

During Pentecost, we have been learning how the scripture describes the coming of the Holy Spirit. 

We have described the story of the Ethiopian and how Philip baptised him.

We discussed how the apostles spread the Good News

Year 5 

We have identified different energy sources and why energy is important.

Year 5 have shown an understanding of what happened on the road to Emmaus. 

In our Come and See lessons, we formed a conscience alley about the Holy Spirit being sent to the disciples - one side were believers and the other side non-believers. Year 5 confidently explained how Peter's message showed that the Holy Spirit is for everyone - we are all believers.

Year 5 have explained how Saul was transformed and we identified how Paul's letter (Romans 8:14-17) shows that he had been transformed.

Year 6

In our Pentecost topic, we thought about how our feelings and beliefs affect our decisions about being a witness.

We explored and discussed the scripture, Matthew 28: 16-20, where Jesus appeared to the disciples. We also gave reasons for their actions.

We thought about what happened at the Ascension, showing a deepening understanding of the scripture (Matthew 28: 16-20).

We discussed questions of life, in light of religious teachings, and we made links to these and Christian belief.



Year 3

Within our Come and See topic we have been looking at choices. What good and bad choices are and the consequences of our actions.  

Year 4

Year 5 

We identified different rules and explained why they are in place.

We  used prayer to identify what Moses needed from God on Mount Sinai. We used scripture based on Exodus 20;8-11.

We identified and explained the Ten Commandments. ''For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His Commandments are not burdensome'' 1 John 5:3

We identified and explained the greatest commandment using the scripture Mark 12:28-31. The greatest commandment is, 'Love your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.'

We identified and explained how we can use freedom for good.

We explored The Beatitudes and wrote our own modern day version.

We identified and explained how to use freedom responsibly, through he Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Year 6 

Universal Church 


Year 3

Year 4

Year 5 

Year 6