Year 5
Welcome to our Year 5 class page!
Class Teacher - Mr Platt
Teaching Assistant - Miss Johnson
Year 5 is such a wonderful year!
Year 5 is the start of upper key stage two and there will be lots of new learning introduced this year as we get prepared for Year 6. The children will be stretched and challenged to achieve what they are capable of and will always be pushed to do their best. We will cover topics that range from Earth and Space, the Vikings, the Amazon Rainforest, to preparing healthy meal; there is a real variety of different learning opportunities available to the children this year. We are really looking forward to tackling each new challenge and doing our best.
Keep checking in to catch up with what the children are doing throughout the year as we will be updating our page regularly.
You can check out what we are learning this year by downloading our Curriculum Overview (the link is below).
Year 5 Meet the Teacher information session with parents and carers
Click on the PowerPoint below to read through important information about Year 5:
Year 5- Meet the Teacher PowerPoint
Year 5 Curriculum
Homework is sent home on a Monday each week. This will consist of a short maths activity and ten spellings, which should both be returned to school on a Friday. Spellings will be tested on the Friday and there may be a retest on the following Monday if more practise is required. Please help your child to practise their spellings at home.
Don't forget to access Reading Plus/Lexia and TTRS. Please ask if you experience any issues logging into these programmes or require your child's logon information. Click on the below to see our Year 5 homework expectations; there are also links to Reading Plus, Lexia and TTRS.
Year 5 Gallery
As part of our Protected Characteristics learning in PSHE, we have shared the story, In You I see, which is a story that celebrates the beauty within. It is a book that gently teaches us that we are all special and always more than meets the eye. Matthew 17:20 tells us 'Faith can move mountains' - we explored and discussed our beliefs, demonstrating an understanding of when to be assertive. #PSHE #ProtectedCharacteristics #BeingMeInMyWorld
In PE we are learning about Hockey and dodgeball. #PE
Our POTD is encouraged to give their self a compliment and this is taken home for a compliment to be given at home too. #PAThS #PSHE
In our Art topic, this half term, we will be looking at typography. We have researched and explored our artist, Louise Fili, and expressed our thoughts and feelings about her art. We have learnt what typography is and 'played' with cut out typography (which we loved!). We were really creative when designing our own typography and we made powerful visual imagery on maps. #Art
Each week, we look at what's in the news and we respond to a 'big question', which supports our PSHE curriculum. #PSHE #PictureNews
In our Science topic, Earth and Space, we have researched the planets and produced some fantastic planet posters! #Science
We've been learning about Roman Numerals in Maths, using practical equipment - it was so much fun! #PlaceValue
Aspirations - we can be whatever we want to be! #PSHE #CareersAndAspirations
In Year 5, we are Reading Plus superstars! #Reading