Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Learn. Together we will soar to new heights

Brunswick Street, St. Helens, Merseyside WA9 2JE

01744 678670


Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 class page!

Class Teacher - Mrs Phillips, Mrs Lamble and Miss Green

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Fitzmaurice

Welcome to the Year 6 class page!

Can you believe your children have reached their final year of primary school! There is much to look forward to, not least the RobinWood residential, in Wrexham, in February. 

In Year 6, all children become buddies to our Year 1 children, which is such a privilege. The children look out for the younger ones and help them in the dinner hall, on the playground and with their reading. 

Of course, being Year 6 and the oldest in the school, the children have the opportunity to put themselves forward for a variety of different roles of responsibility such as Head Boy and Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy and Girl and Class Prefect  and Sports Captain roles.

The children are working towards their SATS, which, in 2025, start on the 12th May and all the homework tasks set will be to consolidate learning in the classroom. 

There will be opportunity for your child to attend Fun SATS club after school and during the Easter holidays.

And...what the children look forward to most about being in Year 6, is the end of year production!

Keep checking in to catch up with what the children are doing throughout the year as we will be updating our page regularly.

You can check out what we are learning this year by downloading our Curriculum Overview:

Year 6 Curriculum Overview 2024-2025.doc

**For more information about the Year 6 curriculum, please click on the curriculum tab of our website.**


Year 6 Meet the teacher and information session with parents and carers

Year 6 parents will have the chance to meet the teacher on Monday 9th September at 3pm.

Here we will answer any questions you may have about the year ahead for your children.

We will talk about homework, SATs, the timetable etc.


Homework, will be set on a Monday and is to be completed by the Thursday evening.

Homework will all be online, in Autumn term, and will consist of the children completing work set on Times Tables Rockstars, Reading plus and SPAG.com

Spellings will be issued on a Monday, tested the Friday, and if required, the same spellings will be re-tested on the following Monday.


Useful Websites:

This is a fantastic website to test your knowledge of all areas of Grammar.


Previous SATs Tests - Please click on the link below to access some Year 6 SATs tests:

Practice SATs Tests

SATs 2025

Monday 12th May 2025 (EGPS paper 1 and paper 2)

Tuesday 13th May 2025 (Reading paper)

Wednesday 14th May 2025 (Maths Arithmetic paper 1& Reasoning paper 2)

Thursday 15th May 2025 (Maths Reasoning paper 3)


Links to homework websites

SATs Bootcamp


Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars

Year 6 Gallery

What a lovely start to our Year 6 journey... we started the year by celebrating what makes each of us unique! We know that communities can consist of a diverse range of people from different countries and backgrounds, and that everyone deserves to feel welcome and safe in our community. We thought about how communities can help each other in difficult times, and how our amazing qualities can aid this.  #ProtectedCharacteristics #PSHE

In Maths, we are enjoying our Place Value topic. #Maths

As part of our daily practice, we celebrate all the wonderful things about each other with our PAThS Pupil of the Day!

We give our POTD compliments - this could be something they're good at, something we like about their appearance or something about their character.

Our POTD is encouraged to give their self a compliment and this is taken home for a compliment to be given at home too. #PAThS #PSHE

In our Art topic, this half term, we will be looking at sculptures. We have researched and explored our artist, Lubaina Himid, and expressed our thoughts and feelings about her art. We have used the space ad grid method and started to create our own flat yet sculptural artwork. #Art

As our Go forth, in Prayer and Liturgy, we thought about what it means to be a pupil in Holy Spirit - we created posters to celebrate all the wonderful reasons to be a Holy Spirit pupil. #PrayerAndLiturgy

In PE, we are learning the skills involved in playing tag rugby - we started by practising to pass and catch accurately and we have been learning to doge and intercept. #PE

Aspirations - we can be whatever we want to be! #PSHE #CareersAndAspirations

We are confident in reciting the alphabet in Spanish! #MFL #Spanish

We've been interviewing our friends in #Spanish too! Scan the QR code to hear us... #MFL

We have had a Spanish taster session with one of our feeder schools, St Cuthberts, which was fantastic. We really enjoyed showcasing our already embedded learning! #Spanish #MFL #CommunityLinks

We shared the Little People. Big Dreams Treasury book, focusing on Frida Kahlo, as part of our Protected Characteristics learning. We explored diversity and how best to promote it. 2 Romans 15:7 tealls us, 'Accept one another, just as Christ accepted you.' #ProtectedCharacteristics #PSHE

We wrote poems demonstrating what diversity means to us. #PSHE #ProtectedCharacteristics

In our Come and See RE lessons, we have been thinking about God's unconditional love. We have shown an understanding of how religious belief in God's love shapes our lives and we wrote a charter for Christians to live by. #ComeAndSee