Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Learn. Together we will soar to new heights

Brunswick Street, St. Helens, Merseyside WA9 2JE

01744 678670



Each day our children have Prayer and Liturgy in their class and on a Thursday we come together as a whole school to have Prayer and Liturgy together. 

We have a beautiful prayer shed and faith garden which our children use for Prayer and Liturgy with their classes. We also have our prayer garden indoors. Each week our whole school Prayer and Liturgy focus table is changed to reflect our scripture and theme for the current week. Our children love their go forths - sometimes they are given an object like a prayer pebble or sticker, other times they are given an action to do to live out the theme of our Collective Worship. 

We have a new Prayer and Liturgy leadership team who will be planning the prayer and liturgy for classes.

Our Prayer and Liturgy Planning Team


Education Sunday 

We are thankful for all the opportunities to live out our faith in our beautiful school Holy Spirit. 

Happy birthday to Our Lady 

Flowers for Mary - each class were presented with a beautiful vase of roses to put on their class worship table for Our Lady's birthday. 

Happy birthday to Our Lady

Harvest 2023 - Cafod assembly

Remembrance Day 2023 

Peace, perfect peace


Advent in Holy Spirit 


The Feast of the Epiphany

On the feast of #TheEpiphany may we all find joy and lift our heads high like the three kings did, knowing that Jesus is our guiding star shining the brightest in our lives always. #Wehavefollowedthestar

Feast of Candlemas 

Peace be with you... Spreading peace in Holy Spirit.

At the foot of the cross - Living Lent in Holy Spirit 

Living Lent in Holy Spirit - walking with Jesus

Lenten Stay and Pray with parents and carers

Stations of the cross 


Throughout the month of May we pray to Our Lady

Hail Mary full of grace

The Feast of the Ascension of Jesus

The Feast of the Ascension of Jesus. We are reminded to love one another as Jesus loves us. 

Our amazing Pentecost song written by Mr Delaney

Holy Spirit we welcome you

Congratulations to our First Holy Communicants of 2024