To Know You More Clearly
Branch 5 - To the ends of the earth
Nursery - Branch 5 - To the ends of the earth
We talked about how the Holy Spirit was sent down as a friend to all. The children talked about their friends and what makes a good friend.
In Nursery, we talked about the gift of the Holy Spirit. To help the children in Nursery to understand that we can’t see it, but it’s all around us, we made dance ribbons and blew bubbles, they could see them moving around us.
We talked about Jesus going up to heaven and the loss that the disciples might have felt. We shared a story called the 'Memory Tree' and then shared our own stories of loss. The children made their own memory tree.
This week in our RE we talked about how we are all one big family in the eyes of God. We created a poster all together, emphasizing how we are all working together as one family. We later went outside and played games including parachute games, again working together to create an effect.
Reception - Branch 5 - To the ends of the earth
Year 1 - Branch 5 - To the ends of the earth
Year 1 have been busy finding out what happened ‘On the road to Emmaus.’ We explored what Jesus meant when he asked the followers not to be foolish and to remember the events that had happened before this. #ToKnowYouKnowMoreClearly
Year 2 - Branch 5 - To the ends of the earth