Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Learn. Together we will soar to new heights

Brunswick Street, St. Helens, Merseyside WA9 2JE

01744 678670


Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4 class page! Summer Term is upon us already!

Class Teacher - Mrs Sharrock

Teaching Assistant - Ms Caton

Year 4 is such a wonderful year and we have achieved so much already as we head into Summer 2! We are building on all of our previous learning and having lots of fun along the way. We love sharing our work with you as we continue through our busy year. Make sure you check out our webpage regularly for updates and new pictures of your child's learning. From making electrical circuits in Science to creating Festival Feasts with clay, our learning is always interesting! 

Year 4 Meet the teacher and information session with parents and carers

Click on the PowerPoint below to read through important information about Year 4. 

Meet the Teacher Information

Year 4 Summer Timetable

Year 4 Curriculum


Homework is sent home on a Monday to be returned on a Friday for us to mark together in class. Don't forget to access Reading Plus or Lexia and TTRS.. Please ask if you are on hold or have any issues logging into these programmes. Click on the link below to see our Year 4 homework expectations. 

Homework expectations for Year 4

Times tables MTC  June 2024

Congratulations to all of our amazing Year 4 children. They performed exceptionally well throughout the test and showed their super times tables recall skills!


We will also send home spellings on a Monday for a spelling test on the following Monday. If your child doesn't do as well as we know they can with their spellings, they will be retested on the following Wednesday. Please practice their spellings with them as this helps them greatly in their other lessons.


During Summer term we have PE on a Monday and a Friday. Our Monday PE will take place on a Monday with Progressive Sports. On a Friday we will be consolidating our learning. Please ensure that your child has full school PE kit on those days.

Year 4 Gallery

Strong Women Heart of Glass Project

Learning how to celebrate strong women from St Helens through Art!

Ask your child which art activity was their favourite.

Making cup and string telephones in Science.

We made our own telephones using paper cups and string to show how sound waves travel.

                      Reading Learn and Share

We shared lots of lovely books, showed our parents Reading Plus and Lexia and finished off with a lovely Christmas Story wearing our Christmas reading glasses.

Bible of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. 

During out topic of Lent - Reenacting the story from the Bible, using drama to bring the story to life. 

Exploring Pattern in Art

Here we explain what we have been learning in Art. Our exploration of pattern and design has created some wonderful artwork. 

Our Summer Term goals  

We wrote what we want to achieve during summer term on our Holy Spirit dove and added it to the tree on our focus table. 

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to our Year 4 First Holy Communicants of 2024 who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 18th May in St Vincent de Paul Church with Father Jean Paul. 

Our DT lessons learning how to construct a Pavilion.

During Autumn 2, we have enjoyed learning how to make a pavilion with 3d shapes and cladding.

Anti-bullying workshop

We learned how to recognise and tackle bullying in this super, interactive anti-bullying workshop.

Tag Rugby with Progressive Sports

We have had lots of fun learning how to play tag rugby with Progressive Sports this half term. 

Picture News - How can our voices be heard?

During Picture News we learn about lots of aspects of how our voices can be heard through living in a democracy. 

Lent - A Time of Reflection.

Our Stay and Pray session was beautiful.

We enjoyed a time of song and reflection about how we can give to others.  

Reversible and Irreversible changes in Science

We melted chocolate using heat to change it's state from a solid to a liquid then made yummy rice crispy cakes. 

Making Electrical Circuits

We used electrical components to light a bulb, use a switch and investigate conductors and insulators.

Making Festival Foods in Art

From conception to creation - our Festival Feasts look good enough to eat. 

Fun Multiplication Learn and Share

We practiced ways to make timetables learning fun! Ask your child to show you some.

Our Special Remembrance Tree

We thought of someone special who is now in heaven. Look at our beautiful remembrance tree.

As Creatives Romans Workshop

We had a wonderful morning learning all about the Roman invasion of Britain with As Creatives.  

DT Lesson Tasting Biscuits - yummy!

In Spring term were are learning about recipes and biscuits. We tasted different biscuits and noted the tastes and textures. 

Hockey Practice with Progressive Sports

We are learning how to pass the ball in Hockey this half term.

Our Aspirations

When I grow up I want to be...

Positive Affirmations during our Shine Day

We enjoyed making positive affirmations during Shine Day